Terms & Conditions

Contact email for questions: [ info@wittreport.com ].

This email newsletter is intended for the original recipient only, for private use, for information purposes only.

By subscribing to my email newsletter, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

This email address will be used to send periodic newsletters or other communications to you.

You agree that the purpose for this subscription is to receive a periodic email message, sent by the original sender only, containing a summary of relevant news items and that there is no other purpose to this agreement.

You agree that the content is copyright protected and the receipt of the newsletter does not constitute any rights transfer in any way.

You agree that copyright ownership of content or technology is the property of the respective rights holder. All news items are the property of the source where the item originates.

You agree to refrain from re-distributing or re-transmitting this email newsletter by forwarding, resending, reverse engineering or re-formatting all or part of the content in any manner or for any purpose. Content is not to be posted to any web site or web page for any purpose. Reports may be printed on paper but may not be saved in alternative format, outside the email software, that preserves any hyperlinks contained in the report.

You agree that, at the time of signing up, you are the current legal, registered owner of the email address submitted.

You agree that, at the time of signing up, the said email address is currently active, legal and registered with the appropriate email service provider.

You agree that the name submitted in combination with the said email address is accurate and has not been changed, modified, compromised or altered.

You agree that, as the legal owner of the said email address, you have taken the necessary steps to insure that no inconvenience, harm or damage will result by using this email address to receive messages.

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You agree that wittreport.com or other related parties, can use email verification tools and processes to discover unlawful, misleading, fraudulent or misrepresented activity. Wittreport.com or related parties will take action to submit the results to the appropriate authority.

You agree that I, acting as wittreport.com, and other related parties will be saved harmless and will not be held liable in any way for any costs or consequences that may result from exposing unlawful, misleading, fraudulent or misrepresented information.

You agree that the name and email address that you submit will be stored in our email distribution software for the duration of this agreement.

You agree that if the email is discontinued, stolen or otherwise compromised that you will unsubscribe promptly.

You may unsubscribe by requesting removal. When requesting removal, please use the email account that is subscribed to the mailing list. If there is more than one month remaining on a paid subscription, I will refund 50% of unused portion, except current month.

You agree that any violation of these terms and conditions is unlawful and/or fraudulent and/or deliberately misleading in all jurisdictions with legal authority.

Both parties agree not to share or otherwise compromise the security or integrity of any email address that is used for this service. There will be no third party communication in any case.

General Information

Europe Media Monitor (emm.newsbrief.eu) is the origin of most of the RSS feeds for this email distribution. Content is used by permission. Permission to re-use must be obtained from Europe Media Monitor. RSS feeds from local Caribbean news services are also employed to capture news items.

Risk: This method captures most current available news items but it is still possible to miss some relevant news items. Also, some countries are missing from the available news sources. Effort is being made to be more inclusive. Also, some effort is made to remove errors, where known.

No warranty is express or implied as to the timeliness, quality or content of hyperlinked pages or data. Neither myself nor the Europe Media Monitor have any control over content or when items are posted or removed from the available services. It is possible for the content to be edited or altered at any time without prior notice. This is sometimes done to correct errors, to append and/or to update content. Only the source can control how and when such amendment and updates takes place.

I reserve the right to modify pricing, terms, technical parameters, availability and services from time to time.

This service is contingent upon availability of source information and subject to change without notice at any time.

RSS feeds may work intermittently or not at all!! Links are provided for convenience. Not responsible for content of external links.