About Europe Media Monitor (EMM)

Europe Media Monitor (EMM) Overview (EC, Bruxelles, Belgium; EMM based in Ispra, Italy)

World news as a topic based Newsbrief, which is updated every 10 minutes, or sent as real-time email alerts.

The EMM Newsbrief is a summary of news stories from around the world, automatically classified according to thousands of criteria. It is an indispensible tool for finding relevant news. EMM Newsbrief is generated automatically by software algorithms without any human intervention.

EMM monitors over 20000 RSS feeds and HTML pages from 7000 key news portals world-wide plus 20 commercial news feeds and, for some applications, also specialist sites. EMM algorithms process the collected data into standardised formats to facilitate user-friendly delivery of content.

Europe Media Monitor: NewsBrief/Top Stories (main page) | Last 24 Hours

EMM: EU-Caribbean Alert Edition

EMM offers an advanced search tool to facilitate finding relevant news based on personal needs.

Here are some examples: (Option to select language after page loads.)

EMM News search for Caribbean (most recent first) See the most recent news available.

NewsBrief advanced search for:  Caribbean Tourism (Caribbean countries)

NewsBrief advanced search for:  Caribbean Tourism (All countries)

NewsBrief advanced search for:  Caribbean Travel (Caribbean countries)

NewsBrief advanced search for:  Caribbean Travel (All countries)

EMM Alert Edition: Tourism

Similar:Europe Media Monitor (Searches for pages similar to EMM Newsbrief.)

EMM is made by: Joint Research Centre (JRC) (ec.europa.eu/jrc/)

EMM News Explorer | About EMM NewsExplorer

NewsExplorer: Story clusters: World news clustered, updated every day. Explore the news, following stories by time, place or person.

What does the NewsExplorer do?

The NewsExplorer uses JRC developed technology to automatically generate daily news summaries, allowing users to see:

  • Clustered news: A cluster consists of the articles from different news sources in the same language that talk about the same event or subject within a 24-hour period (one full day CET). A typical article and its title are selected for each cluster. The number indicates the number of articles in this cluster.;
  • The list of most mentioned names and find further automatically derived information (eg. variant name spellings, titles and phrases, list of the most recent articles and list of related persons and organisations.

How does the NewsExplorer work?

NewsExplorer produces its results fully automatically every day, by applying a combination of various multilingual Language Technology tools to the news articles gathered automatically by the Europe Media Monitor EMM. NewsExplorer carries out the following tasks:

  • cluster all news articles of the day, separately for each language, into groups of related articles;
  • for each cluster, identify names of people, places, organisations;
  • apply approximate name matching techniques to all names found in the same cluster, in order to identify which name variants may belong to the same person;
  • link the monolingual clusters with the related clusters in the other languages;
  • identify the most typical article of each cluster and use its title for the cluster;
  • store the extracted information in a database, learning more about each person, etc. every day;
  • occasionally, the Wikipedia online encyclopaedia is automatically searched for images and for further multilingual name variants.

More Options:

EMM Africa Brief

EMM Nuclear Security Brief

Feb 2017: Publications of the JRC's Europe Media Monitor team

email: emm[at]jrc[dot]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu


An introduction to the Europe Media Monitor family of applications by Ralf Steinberger, Bruno Pouliquen and Erik van der Goot, 2013

Most large organizations have dedicated departments that monitor the media to keep up-to-date with relevant developments and to keep an eye on how they are represented in the news. Part of this media monitoring work can be automated. In the European Union with its 23 official languages, it is particularly important to cover media reports in many languages in order to capture the complementary news content published in the different countries. It is also important to be able to access the news content across languages and to merge the extracted information. We present here the four publicly accessible systems of the Europe Media Monitor (EMM) family of applications, which cover between 19 and 50 languages (see http://press.jrc.it/overview.html). We give an overview of their functionality and discuss some of the implications of the fact that they cover quite so many languages. We discuss design issues necessary to be able to achieve this high multilinguality, as well as the benefits of this multilinguality.
EMM visits the news web sites up to every five minutes to search for the latest articles. When news sites offer RSS feeds, EMM makes use of these, otherwise it extracts the news text from the ... HTML pages. All news items are converted to Unicode. They are processed in a pipeline structure, where each module adds additional information. Whenever files are written, the system uses UTF-8 encoded RSS format.
The major concern of NewsBrief ... is breaking news and short-term trend detection, early alerting and up-to-date category-specific news display. The public websites do not contain commercial sources.

Europe Media Monitor (EMM): Newsletter 2016-12

The Europe Media Monitor is designed as a near real-time monitoring system for new publications.

The primary aim of the system is to provide you with frequent and near realtime news updates on topics of interest to you.

The system analyses publications as they flow through and continuously generates the required information products, without storing a copy of the original publication.
It does not rely on (and does not have) a big information archive.
Although EMM maintains an index of all retrieved material, allowing for limited historical research, the information products always refer to the original publication, mostly on the Internet.
At the core of EMM there is a chain of lightweight extensible processes each running independently and chained together using robust and reliable in-house developed web service architecture.
Articles begin their flow through the processing chain as thin RSS (Really Simple Syndication) items that grow as metadata gets added at each stage of the processing chain.

Information presentation:

EMM Newsbrief: The web service accessed normally.

- Top story channels display a list of stories, ordered by relevance – i.e. stories/clusters by topic – which are most active in that very moment or over the last 24 hours.
- For each of the selected languages, the twenty top stories are displayed.
- Each story is listed with its main article and the representation of all the associated metadata.

By clicking on 'info' box you get into the details of the channel: representation of all the associated metadata (categories, entities, geotags, quotes, etc.). Also applies to advanced search.

On every page you can choose to receive the news by e-mail, or you can use the information through the RSS feed.

Feel free to include any RSS feed on your website, but please give us credit and include a link to the EMM website as a reference on your page.
You can also search EMM for information as we do maintain an index for all articles that we process.
The results include a link to the original article, although in some cases it may no longer be available.

Advanced Search - channels actively catching new articles that satisfy user-defined queries.

Country channels - associated with the source countries, or with the countries the news articles talk about.
Person or Organisation channels - associated with collections of several EMM categories and/or entities.
Search channels - associated with queries performed on text and metadata extracted from the news articles.

Europe Media Monitor System Description by Clive Best, Erik van der Goot, Ken Blackler, Teofilo Garcia, David Horby, 2005 (PDF)

The [public] zone gives access to EMM derived content on the Internet. This contains just publicly available free of charge web content. EMM is an aggregation and syndication system. It does not produce content of any kind. It’s power is in arranging content from multiple sources in different languages into topics. For copyright reasons the display of this content must obey legally accepted rules. It must always refer to the original source, and cannot display more than about 10% of the article as a short description. The user is always referred onto the original source to read the article in full. This explains the use of RSS for EMM’s syndication and display. ... This site gives a single overview of the current content. The associated service News Explorer gives a historical overview of top stories, and identifies entities and their relationships.(pg 9)

EMM Alert System: EMM’s Alert system is it’s most unique feature. It drives most of the content and adds value to news monitored. The overall objective is to process as rapidly as possible each discovered article and decide which subjects (Alert definitions) are mentioned. If an alert criteria is satisfied the article is appended to a result RSS file, one for each alert definition. If a user has subscribed to an immediate email alert for that topic then a processor is called to send the article item by email. If a special alert called SMSauto has been satisfied and certain timing criteria are satisfied then an automatic SMS message is sent to a small number of persons. (pg 16)

Accessing EMM content on third party web sites The live content of EMM is held in RSS 2.0 files and can therefore be syndicated to other web sites. Today about 10 sites pick up and receive the content of EMM alerts in real time for redisplay on their site. There is an HTTP API which provides acces to the alert files and allows the user to filter the results according to the extra tags in the RSS file. (pg 52) (Saved version, original no longer available)

Europe Media Monitor (EMM) System

The Europe Media Monitor (EMM) is the text gathering and analysis engine underlying a number of European media monitoring and other information analysis applications (e.g. EMM NewsBrief and MediSys that are serving EU policies especially those concerned with crisis management. Video lecture by Erik van der Goot, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, 2010 (One hour)